Bernard C. and Bernard F., father and son, opened Boyd’s Crystal Art Glass October 10, 1978. The senior Boyd began his glassmaking career as a teenager and had spent more than 60 years in the glass business. Bernard C. passed away on August 5, 1988 after a brief illness. Fortunately, he had shared with his son and grandson, John B., the family formulas and secrets on how to make the glass colors which have made Boyd Glass famous.
Four generations of Boyd’s have been making glass. Zack Boyd began working at Cambridge Glass Co; in 1901 at the age of 13. While he worked at a total of 26 glass factories, he always came back to Cambridge. His son, Bernard C, became a full-time employee at Cambridge Glass at the age of 16, and made glass until he passed away at the age of 80. Bernard F., is the third generation and his son, John Bernard is now the fourth generation glass worker. Glassmaking, America’s oldest industry, began more than 4000 years ago. Boyd Glass still manufactures collectibles the old-fashioned way, to the delight of visitors and collectors, with a man and a mould and not with an automated machine.